2017-11-07 Greg Ongie, University of Michigan
Updated 2018-08-18: added comparison with POGM
2018-08-18 Julia 0.7.0 by Jeff Fessler
On 2017-11-06 10:34:12 GMT Agent 556 obtained a photo of the illegal arms dealer, code name **Professor X-Ray**. However, Agent 556 spilled soup on their lapel-camera shorting out several CCD sensors. The image matrix has several missing entries--we were only able to recover 25% of data! Agent 551: Your misson, should you choose to accept it, is to recover the missing entries and uncover the true identity of **Professor X-Ray**.
using LinearAlgebra
using DelimitedFiles: readdlm
using LaTeXStrings
using Plots; pyplot()
function jim(Y; title="") # jiffy image display
heatmap(Y', color=:grays, aspectratio=1,
xtick = [1, size(Y,1)],
ytick = [1, size(Y,2)],
title = title,
yflip = true,